Saturday 19 April 2014


Am a firm believer of being immaculate with whatsoever your doing and this is not a weakness rather than pride of what you do. Sometimes you can get pressure from people who may not understand but I would rather take steps that am comfortable with than rushing. Having said that, it’s frustrating to have to put things forward as in the case of the coffee shop, that is four days late of its opening day. It’s Easter now, just like that and little time to put one, two, and three together. I am drained, wasted from all the work of renovation and honestly feel like a cabbage. Why would someone in the right mind put himself or herself through such hassle? For the love of it am guessing. Yes for the love of it “labor of love” or it would not be worth. I also feel I have brought a lot of memories to the shop without realizing it, but glad with the end results. There are still a few things here and there to do but like my friend says, Rome was not build in one day so I take comfort in that. Officially, Crave Kitchen is now open, two days on and slowly getting there with loads of support from people all over. It’s amazing how comforting that is and to feel part of this community that is so alive and vibrant. As promised, I have shared some photos of the shop and I hope I can keep this up. Even though am open over the festive season, I hope to indulge as much as I can, if I can. So this long holiday weekend I can only wish for this few things

I wish that….

·      I can hung out with friends and forget about the early mornings, sleep late, and laugh as much
·      I could get away or go on a road trip far away and sleep outside under the stars
·      Spend time alone, energize and listen to music like cold play, Tabu Ley or anything on that line
·      Ride my bike, sweat it out, because my body craves some serious cardio workout
·      Work on a coffee table idea that I have been planning to get started with, for my house
I wish you all a very happy Easter break and stay safe. Till next time I blog….HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Sunday 6 April 2014


.......Lots of thoughts are buzzing around my head as I prepare to launch/open this little shop in a small town. I have dreamt of this day many of time and as the time gets closer, it all seems to go a bit too quick than anticipated. It has not been an easy sailing, most would think, but a road filled with so many trails. Many of which are self-inflicted, yes good to admit when it’s your own doing and others from life, as we know it. But I have crossed those bridges, burnt others and I hope that the tides don’t through me too far off course. It’s back to basic, small steps, before I can really breath out, still holding my breath lol. Yes, many thoughts like- is the menu right? Is it interesting? Is it understandable? Is it priced well and how will people react to all this? Yes lots of questions. Will all the ideas that I have on my head come together and create that ambiance that I have so well place somewhere at the back of my mind come to life or will it all slowly disappear and get carried away, without keeping to the plan? Who will come and what will they say? Lots and lots of thoughts and as healthy as it should be, its also a massive risk as any one would tell you about business. But I got encourage along the way, when I went to see a friend and just as we were chatting away, about a cake she wanted for her birthday (very persistent at this point mind you), I saw this old magazine that was lying around her desk. I always get intrigued by interior design magazines, just like cook books give me such joy, no matter how old they are, for they are filled with so much inspiration and hence that eager interest to dig in and flip pages looking for that eye catching photo/article of something different and new.  I come across an article about Kelly Hoppen and her philosophy where she says, “ I never spend time worrying that something wont work.  But if it doesn’t, I don’t waste an extra second on it.  I move on to something else” How could I fail before I started? I let it sink in and positive thinking henceforth. Two weeks I give myself to renovate (but really, who am I kidding probably more) all hands on, as I am doing most work, very enjoyable like painting and details to my satisfaction. I truly hope to breathe some life to this cute shop and after all this, get down to the real task ahead…cooking. It’s the main thing and surely what I enjoy most. There is stocks to be made, sauces that need attention, mis en place which will be a lot when your first stocking up, labeling, baking oh baking the best part I guess as I have come to really know the satisfaction/ therapy that comes along with it. But I know it all comes down to if the customers can say a good thing about what they have eat and doing so, give you that trust that we all treasure. Almost like a green light or approval stump that goes a long way. It’s everything because without trust, then what have you got? I hope to capture the moment and the crowd for that matter and star a bit of curiosity in all this. But for now, till next time I blog, happy cooking to all or happy painting like in my case!!!! JJJ